In order to insulate the balcony on your own, you must first draw up a plan. Plan with step -by -step work and a list of necessary materials.
After that, we proceed to prepare the balcony. To do this, we release the balcony from everything that lies on it. Remove wallpaper and linoleum (if any). If the balcony is adjacent and the partition is thin, then it is necessary to expel the brick wall instead, but preferably in half a brick (so as not to give a large load).
After that, you can proceed to the very insulation process. It is best to use light and compact materials for insulation to leave more useful space. You can use polystyrene, mineral wool and other materials, but the main thing is that the material is a low time-permeability. In this case, it is not necessary to create a layer of polyethylene or foil to prevent moisture formation. It is very important to remember that you need to warm all the walls of the balcony, and not just those that go outside.
Installation of insulation is carried out using dowels or glue, between mounted lags, which are attached to walls with the same intervals of 30-40 cm. Installation of insulation on the floor is carried out in a similar way. The only difference is only in the coating that is laid on top of the insulation on the floor. You can use wooden (impregnated with an antiseptic) floor boards.
And the last stage of the robot remains – this is a decorative decoration of the balcony with materials that are not afraid of moisture. Usually use plastic lining (PHV). It is durable, waterproof, very convenient in work and further maintenance.
And yet, if you do not plan to use a balcony for a dwelling, do not insulate the floor. This is an extra waste of money.
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