The ceiling in the kitchen turns yellow quickly enough, becomes somehow smoked and fat, so it requires repair in the first place. But there are not always enough financial resources to constantly update the ceiling. Inexpensive option for finishing the ceiling – cladding with light and cheap ceiling tiles. And having glued the tile once, it will last you a very long time if you carefully care for it and periodically update it. What needs to be done if the ceiling tiles become dirty or yellowish?
First of all, you need to wash the ceiling well. Therefore, it will be better if you choose the tile with a smooth surface. She washes much easier. So, for washing you will need a sponge, a rag and water. Since the ceiling is fat enough, you can wash it with any remedy against fat. It can be a fairie or any other liquid to wash the dishes. To remove yellowness, add the product containing chlorine to the solution. You can take even whiteness. Thoroughly wash the ceiling and wipe with a well -absorbing moist.
Next, go to the repair of the ceiling coating. Switching seams should be covered with a special solution. Apply it first with your finger, then equal to a small rubber spatula. After drying, polish the seams until smooth. Now you can stain the ceiling. Pour the paint into a comfortable container, it is better to paint with a roller in two directions. Use a brush in the corners. Do not forget that the seams between skirting boards and the ceiling are also smeared with grout and paint with paint. On the walls around the perimeter along the skirting boards, it is better to fix the tape. This will help to avoid inadvertent coloring. If necessary, then staining can be repeated in several layers.
In a self -sufficient person, everything should be at the highest level, including the interior of the dwelling. Well, the first impression of the apartment is folded on the door. You can buy doors in Kyiv by contacting our company. We have high -quality doors – input, interior, many different models.