At the final stage of repair, many choose linoleum as a floor covering. Often, when laying this material, it becomes necessary to combine pieces of linoleum among themselves, but not many “masters” know how to do it correctly.
Today, linoleum is realized by various sizes and rolls can be selected for any room. Modern welding technology also went far ahead. Hot welding of linoleum allows you to very firmly and almost imperceptibly connect any pieces of commercial linoleum.
Household soft linoleum is not fastened with hot welding, because during the work the temperature of the device reaches 300-400 degrees. High temperature will easily burn simple linoleum. For him, as a rule, cold welding is used.
Cold welding glue is of several types and is selected for a specific case.
Cold welding – type “a”
Type A welding is used to glue the hard and commercial linoleum. Its liquid consistency allows you to make almost invisible seams. If the drawing is correctly adjusted, then the seams will not be visible at all. This glue is great for pieces that should fit tightly with each other.
Cold welding – type “C”
Welding “C” type is used for the repair of old linoleum. Such glue of a thick consistency allows you to fill in wide gaps. Excess glue can only be removed after drying.
Cold welding – type “T”
This type of glue is used for gluing coatings made of polyvinyl chloride. Such welding is less common, but in good account of professionals. Cold welding of this type is quite harmful, and it is possible to work with it only in a ventilated room and always in gloves.
If you are planning to build a house with your own hands, then you should be useful for the information that is on the site where the most detailed information and instructions are presented on how to build a house with your own hands, including the most extravagant solutions.