Watching – hello from the Soviet period, when there was a significant drawback in the variety of building materials. Nevertheless, in some old houses, whitewashing still remained. How to get rid of her? There are several ways. The easiest is to use a grinding machine. Naturally, before that you need to take care of the furniture standing in the room – it needs to be covered with polyethylene or old bedspreads so as not to spoil.
You also need to wear a respirator or gauze mask to protect the respiratory tract. On a grinding machine, install a nozzle with sandpaper with a large abrasive and walk on the ceiling and walls, trying not to really go deep, otherwise you will have to put up and level the surface. After that, carry out wet cleaning of the room.
However, the cleaning is the lot of women, therefore, while the wife removes garbage, you can go to Instaforex and replenish knowledge about Forex trade in order to acquire a more expensive, high -quality and modern building material for your home. You can also pick up warm water and moisten an old rag or rag in it, after which again walk with her by whitewashing, which consists of chalk and will probably quickly soften. Now you will need a spatula that needs to tear pieces of plaster, and a package for garbage.
However, if the layer of plaster is too thick, previous methods may not bring a result. In this case, you need to arm yourself with a hammer. Back it on the surface of the ceiling and walls, and the plaster falls off in pieces. The remaining can be safely removed with a spatula. Once you do not need to be zealous – so you can disturb your neighbors. You need to knock slightly.