The condition of the whole house depends on the reliability of the roof. And for the roof to be reliable and strong, you need to create it from quality material. Wooden bars for rafters should be made according to the highest quality, both in the material and its design. Regarding the quality of the material, then all the bars for the roof should have an exposure of time at least a year or two under the cover, with shifts under each layer of boards and bars. In this state, they undergo high -quality drying and alignment. A roof of wet material can give curvature and distortions, with its drying in a fortified form. The best material for a two -casual roof is a soft roof.
There are different projects of two -cash roofs and methods for building it. But all types of roof buildings have several general rules that need to be in construction of all types of roofs. The first of these rules is a reliable fastening of the rafters to the base, to the Brus of Maurlet. The beam itself is attached with the help of coastal bolts, studs, walls filled in the last rows of brick walls of the building. Secondly, a double fastening of the rafters to the beam is made. For the junction of a rafter beam with a beam in the leg of the beam, a neckline is made each template for all rafters. The rafter is fixed to the base of a large -sized with nails or self -tapping screws. In addition to this fastening, the rafters are mounted to the transverse bars of the base of the roof with slopes and vertical racks. Also, the rafters themselves are fastened together with transverse beams. And the ends of the rafters are best attached to the joint with the help of special brackets and tightening bolts. Well, the crate of the rafter frame is already adjusted to coating the roof. Usually, under the majority of modern roofing materials, a double crate is made to create a ventilation space between the waterproofing and insulation layer of the roof.