If the monolithic structure is competently designed, then adds another advantage, namely good sound insulation. Indeed, in the monolithic walls, unlike brick or panel, there are no voids. Sound, respectively, is not able to spread. Plus, damage to the wiring is excluded, since it is planned from the very beginning. Monolithic buildings also have such a special property as stiffness and strength of structures. Such designs simply exclude the possibility of cracks and joints between plates. The entire structure of the house redistributes the load on the foundation, thereby leveling the problems with the precipitation of the structure. The weaknesses are completely absent!
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Sometimes you can hear the opinions that monolithic houses are very harmful to health, because they “do not breathe”. Yes, with wooden houses, of course, nothing can compare. But monolithic houses are built from exactly the same concrete as panel. Currently, modern technologies are used containing much less harmful substances than houses built ten to fifteen years ago. So any fears are absolutely groundless.