Often often rust appears on the metal roof. It is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible after detection. It may well be from the inside (t. e. with the one where the attic is located). If the rust is detected, it should be cleaned with a hard brush. After that, the surface is covered with paint. Metal roof should be covered with such paint, which, when dried, would create a smooth and shiny surface. Then garbage and dust will not accumulate on the roof.
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To paint the roof, it is necessary to use a large flywheel. First of all, the overhang of the roof is covered. After they begin to paint the roof itself in even stripes. You need to move from skate to overhang. Distribution pipes are removed and cleaned. Especially carefully required to clean and paint their inner sides. It should be treated with several layers. Each of them should dry out as well as possible. If the paint is applied with an excessively thick layer, cracks and wrinkles form after drying it after drying. In the cracks, moisture, which is destructive for steel, begins to accumulate over time. The appearance on the paint paint suggests that the surface was poorly prepared.