It is possible to bend the drywall by the method of moisturizing, which is the most common way. During its implementation, not the entire sheet of drywall is moistened, but only the place of its bend. The composition of drywall includes gypsum, porous material, it softens very quickly and absorbs moisture. This contributes to its elasticity, thanks to which the material is easily bending. Drywall is moistened with a roller or a brush, after which a break is made for twenty minutes, and then they begin to bend it smoothly. When it acquires the necessary shape, it should be fixed and wait until the moistened area dries. Now they are popular with the system of auto police, more details about them will not be superfluous. Когда гипсокартон высохнет, он будет иметь нужную согнутую жёсткую форму. There is another way to form drywall, this is a way of piercing it. When using it, drywall pierces with a needle roller on both sides. When a large number of holes are formed on the sheet on both sides, drywall will begin to bend in these places. To perform this in the safest and most effective way, you should moisten the fold place with water. In those cases when there was no roller nearby, you can apply an ordinary kitchen knife, with which you should make shallow notches on both sides of the sheet.