These disadvantages, which have a massive nature, lead to a sharp and uneven (along the contour of the foundations) weakening of the bases under the foundations and to uneven precipitation of foundations, which leads to deformation of the walls.
The deformation of the walls is also caused by constructive and production disabilities in the execution of jumpers, angles of buildings and adjacent walls to each other.
All these defects are easily eliminated in modern conditions of building buildings made of cobblestone. To resolve the issue of the suitability of masonry from unsolved cobblestone stone, it is important to know the strength of this masonry when the wall bends under the influence of the inertia forces of long -period vibrations.
The wall can bend under the influence of inertia forces, like a console beam or as a beam, operated at the ends (in the presence of a seismic belt), as well as like a plate operated along the contour.
Due to the fact that high-level stones with a smooth surface are exposed on the facade, the clutch on which relatively weak solutions (brand 10-25) is not reliable, external stones should be turned off from the working section, since in this place the seam can openly open up.
Provided for TU 58-48 Slacking stones in this case does not give positive results. With regard to the loss of stones from masonry, split mound has obvious advantages over undisclosed. However, when the wall is working, the same thing happens as when masonry from unusual mound. The weakened cross section marked on this drawing by the fat arc of the CD will have a completely same meaning as in the case when the boule is not split. Consequently, when laying walls from split mound, when calculating the wall for bending by the height of the working section, 35 cm should also be taken, as when laying walls from unusual boulence.
The new masonry system with a wall thickness of 51 cm instead of 60 cm forms a wall, twice as strong than the used masonry made of unusual, as well as from split cobblestone.