Typically, the construction of any house has a lot of different nuances, including the construction of a wooden house. It is recommended to have such a house on a hill to avoid accumulations of precipitation under it. The house should also be slightly higher than the road, otherwise you need to dig a moat under drainage.
As a rule, difficulties appear during the operation of the house, because it needs to be constantly careful for it. Today, the technologies of modern construction of such houses help to most effectively increase the life of the house. For example, the use of antiseptics helps to protect the house from decay and different bacteria, and hydrophobizing materials protect the house from water.
It is important to take care of the site of the house, and for this it is recommended to purchase a Neva walk -behind tractor, which can easily cope with work in the garden. The construction process begins with the foundation, the type of which depends on the type of soil and the operating conditions of the house. Any kind of foundation is suitable for a house from a bar: a monolithic slab or a screw foundation.
Before you start erecting the walls of the house, you need to make a waterproofing layer from isoplast. The diagonal of the structure is checked after the installation of the first row, and the crowns of the house must be put on a strapping crown. If the foundation is pile-screwed, it is better to install a double type strain to distribute the wall load and floor lag evenly.
Between the crowns, the tape heater from jute is laid, and along the edges of the openings, both window and door, the beam is attached to dry birch bins. After installing the walls, do the installation of the roof and roof. The rafters are attached to the bar with the help of special corners, and then a waterproofing layer is made according to the rafters to protect the roof from moisture.