You want to create a fashionable and unusual design and do not know how to bring an idea to life? Multi -level stretch ceilings will come to your aid. If you have plans to give the premises of mystery and romanticism, you can order a ceiling that imitates the night starry sky, and light bulbs of the corresponding form will become stars.
Or, let’s say, on the contrary, you want to create the illusion of a bright spring day. To do this, a special glass is inserted into the multi -level ceiling, which is made in the form of a window frame, and a multiple light will serve as sunny light. Due to the above examples, you can create the visibility of a height for low ceilings.
You can achieve the effect of soaring in the air of multi -level ceilings, for this, when tearing the ceiling around the perimeter, it is necessary to leave small spaces of free space. In these gaps, place invisible stripes from lamps that will be directed upward.
Of course, the price of multi -level stretch ceilings is greater than that of ordinary stretch. The cost of one square meter ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles. Typically, companies set two and three level ceilings, but this is not the limit, since the number of levels directly depends on the imagination and desire of the client, and, of course, the height of the ceiling in the room. You can also add originality to a multi -level ceiling in the form of stucco or cornice. And the game of light will give the room to the unique and exclusive.
When you order the ceiling, study well companies offering such services. Remember that the company should be reliable, proven, working for more than one year. Look for a site where there will be a photo of the ceilings taken, and be sure to read the reviews about your favorite company.