In specialized construction stores, the buyer offers four types of wallpaper that are suitable for further painting:
Glass wallpaper. In the production process, a layer is applied to these paper wallpapers, consisting of very thin fiberglass. The glass wallpaper differs in large indicators of wear resistance, resistant to fires, elastic, strong. Such products will help you easily hide the flaws on the walls. You can paint them several times (up to 15 times). As a rule, they are used in repairs of office or other non -residential premises, where the office of the office is carried out for a long time, t. To. From the walls of the glass walls are removed with very great difficulty.
Vinyl. This type of wallpaper is made on a paper basis. When manufacturing on paper, a layer of foamed vinyl is applied, which allows you to achieve a wide variety of patterns and textures. This material is the most durable and plastic than ordinary paper, but their wear resistance is much lower than that of non -woven wallpaper. They are not more than 5 times to be painted, and if you have chosen a dark color, you can paint them only 3 times.
Non -woven. The upper layer of the material obtained in the production of the material consists of polyvinyl, and the bottom is made of non -woven. Polyvinyl during production is applied to wallpaper through a stencil, which allows you to appear on the surface of the wallpaper of a certain pattern or texture. This variety is usually used when pasting walls in new buildings, t. To. Such houses can settle, and non -woven models have the ability to stretch and can perfectly hide microcracks when they occur. You can glue non -surface on any surface (chipboard, plywood, drywall, etc. D.). The main disadvantages of this type of wallpaper is the high price and a small selection of textures.
Paper. Paper wallpaper is made from heavy waste paper. On the market, paper models are represented by two options: structural and rough -fiber. They differ in the way of production. Structural wallpapers are obtained when renting the material of the wallpaper between two pressed Aliks, the texture of which has one in crushed, and the other has a convex.
Cross -fiber is produced by pressing of sawdust and larger waste of wood production between two layers of paper, which in the future allows you to determine the texture of the resulting material. This type of wallpaper is recommended gluing wallpaper in the bedroom and children’s room, t. To. These wallpapers have the ability to “breathe”.